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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Color Idioms

Color Idioms Quiz

Answer all the questions that related about Color Idioms in English. Fill each gap with the following list of idioms. Good luck!

browned offin the pinksee redblack and bluewalk on the green mileoff color
out of the blueroll out of the red colorpink slipgreen with envyblack sheep♪ ☺ ♫

  1. Jack is now such a............in the team since he behaved violently in the last match.
  2. Frank got........after being hit by Jack.
  3. The coach gets bit.........with the changed behaviour of Jack recently.
  4. The brawl came.........that the coach itself was shocked by this ashamed incident.
  5. Someone says that Jack was..........with Frank as his lovely girl friend was coveted by Frank
  6. The way coach and friends.........made Jack detest Frank.
  7. Jack looks......... as he's very depressed of what he had done.
  8. Jack could receive.........after some fans demonstrated their dislike of Jack's behavior and asked him to leave the club
  9. Due to the incident, Jack may..........of resignation.
  10. Jack's mates.........of the incident and encourage other to take positive thing of it.
  11. After a week of intensive care, Frank's now........

The answers:

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