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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Weather Idioms quiz

Wheater Idioms

Answer the following qustions that're all about weather idioms in English. You can check the answers inside the boxes. Good luck!

  1. When you know that something is about to go horribly wrong, but hasn't just yet, then you are in:
    1. Right as rain
    2. Rainy day
    3. Quiet before the Storm
    4. Storm in a teacup
  2. Only one of the following idioms is really about the weather. Which one?
    1. under a cloud
    2. every cloud has a silver lining
    3. Face like thunder
    4. it's raining cats and dogs
  3. 'The class room was in mess; the teacher suspected John as the culprit as none would like to be responsible for it. In this case, John can be described that he is:
    1. under the weather
    2. under a cloud
    3. a storm in a teacup
    4. under the sun shines
  4. If a problem becomes far greater than it really is, it can be described as:
    1. a great thunder
    2. a storm in a teacup
    3. twisting in the wind
    4. a storm in the sun
  5. ' John has defied his promise to return the money he borrowed from Shanty; it makes her very angry with him. Shanty can be described as though she has:
    1. nose like sun
    2. mouth like storm
    3. fingers like star
    4. face like thunder
  6. When I'm in trouble, my friend gives me advice that it is always possible to get something positive out of a situation, no matter how unpleasant, difficult or even painful it might seem. What is the right idiom to express my friend's advice?
    1. every rose has its thorn
    2. When it rains, it pours
    3. every cloud has a silver lining
    4. Sail close to the wind

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